School in the US is over and Limo time

Sent my last assignment in yesterday and just got the mail that I'm done and made it. Got the certificate sent to me and it feels awsome! No more school this year! Feels though that I should start thinking of what I want to do for work in the future. Have some thoughts, that I'm gonna keep to myself, but I have to look through the options and see where I can start from. Would be awsome to come back here or to Australia and study for a year, but we'll see whats gonna happen.
As I said we went to Evanston me and Siri yesterday. Jenny didn't come later but me and Siri went to the cafe place "Kafein" (think I spelled it right!), for a really nice night of talking and good fresh food. The place is runned by students and theres probably only students that goes there too. It's very vintage and nice. I like it alot.
Today I'm gonna meet up with some friends at Old Orchard to eat lunch, and tonight it's Limo time. It's gonna be a goodbye party for Lea (German) and go with a Limo Down Town.


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