Trying to make the last assignment done

Not one of my best days

Skulle ha pluggat igår kväll men somnade med kläder på, dator och allt i sängen, tänt överallt. Ja jag sov hela natten. Tur att jag satte klockan. Jobbade och fick iväg barnen till skolan sen slocknade jag i sängen igen till kl 12. Skypade med mamma och brorsan och sjöng födelsadags sång. Till skolan igen och fixa playdate till B. Skönt, fick lite extra egen tid.
Är inte alls deppig eller så för att pappa åkte hem igen men känns som att mycket tjocknade i huvudet för mig efter att de åkt och särskillt idag. Har så mycket viljor som jag vill göra under samma tider, men brist på tid och brist på pengar gör att jag måste ta ett steg tillbaka.
Vill ha svensk mat, mitt eget kök, vill bo eget, vill tjäna normala summor i lön, vill välkomna över vänner när jag vill, vill ha läkt tå så jag kan ha vilka skor jag vill och kunna springa och träna, vill tillbaka till min gamla mer tonade kropp (vill träna för det med min j***** tå sätter stopp), vill ha min cykel, vill att plugget ska bli klart idag, vill ha mobil så jag kan få tag på människor igen. Inte nog med allt det, det är massor av resor jag vill göra. Men självklart så är det pengar som svider på den biten mest plus tid. Niagara fallen, som jag inte vet om jag kan göra för värd familjen inte vet om de behöver mig den helgen som alla andra kan, New York med Sara, Miami för att häsla på Sofie, Australien med Veronica i 8 mån, backpacking i Asien med Jenny (Vilket är det som mest troligt blir av). Känns grymt med backpacking så håller verkligen tummarna.
Tjolahopp tjolahopp, livet kan inte alltid leka.


GRATTIS MIN ÄLSKADE MAMMA!!! ÄLSKAR DIG SÅ FRUKTANSVÄRT MYCKET OCH SAKNAR DIG SÅ JAG SPRICKER! Klarar mig riktigt fint här borta och vet att du klarar dig fint hemma med men känslan av saknad finns i mig hela tiden. Önskar att jag kunde vara hemma och fira dig och krama om dig tusen ggr om, och bara prata, och skratta, och berätta alla knasiga dumheter vi alltid lyckas få till, och laga mat tillsammans, och äta din underbara mat, och klaga och irritera oss på dumma grejer tsm, och få och ge smakråd i affären, och mysa, och känna sig trygg.
Vill vakna upp efter en skön sovmorgon med ruffsigt hår, med nyvakna halvsvullna ögon och möta dig i köket sittandes med tidningen, likaså ditt hår som en berg- och dal bana och nattlinne med leende på läpparna. Lika morgontrötta båda två. Få höra ditt God morgon och kunna prata om vardagen eller något skumt som hänt. Sitta och äta frukost som tar sin tid. Bo med någon som verkligen bryr sig och mitt liv. På kvällen äta något riktigt gott framför tv;n, höra "Jag tror jag blir TOKIG, spola reklamen" eller sitta och skratta åt en trött mamma som inte vill bege sig från soffan till sängen även fast hon sitter sovandes ostadigt med huvudet och nickar huvudet bakåt var 10e sekund. Den bilden får mig att skratta varje gång:)
Har fått träffa både Linus och Pappa nu men återstår ytterligare 4 månader tills jag får krypa in i din famn. Känns jobbigt men vi är starka. Det finns ju inget som säger att vi inte klarar det här men sitter nu här med krokodiltårar i ögonen och tänker på allt vi gör tsm. Saknar dig massor! Du är så vacker topp till tå, utifrån och hela vägen in i hjärtat. Glöm inte bort det! Du är den finaste kvinnan för mig på jorden!  ÄLSKAR DIG MAMMA!!!!

Back in Chicago

It's maybe time to update you readers about what I have been doing my last week. It has been GREAT! Gonna tell you more about New York later. Will get all of the pictures from my dad this weekend. My toe is still swollen, well, it doesnt surprise me cuz I have been walking 24/7 all week. New york every day and then here in Chicago too, in flip flop. Must say that the Flip flops have been great, nothing is touching my toe and havent got any other problem from it. So I keep on walking. My host dad (S) freaked out on me todaythat my toe still is swollen and that i should get something (like the boot) to support it. "Stubborn child".
Maybe I am stubborn. I don't wanna have that big boot just for my tiny pinky toe. If I'm fine with flip flop Im gonna walk with them until I fall! haha I can handle pain and as I said it doesnt even hurt. haha anyway. Enough of the toe. The last day in new york I lost my american phone. It's either on the streets of New York or in the hands of a thief. I freaked out but my hostdad calmed me down when I told him about it. Couldn't been happier that he took it that good. "We'll just get a new one for you, it's a free phone". He said he would get me one yesterday morning. Do I have it? NO. I hope I'll get it tomorrow. I feel so naked! And I heard that people have been trying to reach me.
When I came back from New York my dad and his girlfriend (Berit) came with. They are staying in a hotel Down Town and I'm home working. Got to meet them yesterday night at a bar in Evanston. Today I took them to my favourite place Wicker Park for brunch and some shopping, then I had to go home again for work while they went on to the Ukranian village. I have learned so much myself during just these two days about streets and transportation etc by beeing kind of a tour guide. Telling them what train goes where etc. Parapapapa I'm loving it! Tomorrow they will take the metra up to my suburb so I can show them my life upp here too. First pancakehouse to meet some of my friends and then a cartour around the area, and to meet my host family. Tomorrow night I'm gonna move into the hotell with them. Awsome!
By the way people. 90F is not to bad!:) Have really been enjoying the weather!

Can almost smell the big apple

(Some of the bracelets I have done, except the one with the peace sign.)
Tomorrow at 7.50pm I'm leaving Chicago for the big apple to see my dad and his girlfriend thats already there. Can't wait! Havent seen them since I left Sweden. The thing I looking forward to the most, even though I'm gonna be in New York is to have a great dinner. Have had dinner with my host family 2 times during the time I have been here. Almost 9 month. Luckily I have the most amazing friends to eat dinner or lunch with. I'm really exited to see New York in a close up too. At the au pair school we kind of ran through the city with the tour buss and by foot. Have said for weeks that I was gonna make a plan for what we must see and where we should go every day but havent even planned one day. Thats me... I take everything as it comes. Not the best part of my personality for most part when I'm traveling with others. But I like it. My foot is still swollen and blue. Can walk but not so fast. Squeezed my foot into converse today. We'll see if it works. Have some shoes to change between. Now bed. Sleep tight!!!

Nothing can stop me from dancing

Not even close to be done with the post assignments. But gonna make sure that my room gets clean before work. Bought some new things from Michaels today for bracelets so I might make some new bracelets this week. Nananaannana the music is on and I just wanna dance. Stupid toe. Just wanna cut it off. But anyway, I'm on a good mood. Tonight I'm taking off to Annas house for a girls night. I'm dancing on... nanannnanana

Ice cream

Look at the bright side of the dark side

A lot of feet talk the last days. I'm walking and that's the most important thing. Just gonna jump into the shower now, then I'm off to Target and Michaels, the groserystore and then do my last peice of homework I have here in the US. I hope to get it done today.

Who knew that the pinky toe could make that much of a damage.

Yes I'ts broken. Went to the doctor "Bone & Joint" in Wilmette down town today an luckily they could take me right the way. Otherwise you have to sign up for a time. The insurance covered everything and it was fast done. Had to sign a lot of papers and answering a lot of questions about the injury or if I had other diseases before they took me in. They x-rayed my foot and found it broken. It doesn't show that bad on the pictures so I hope it will heal fast. They said that it should take abut to three weeks for it to heal. So no heels for the weekend. Good shoes (running shoes or flip-flops or should I maybe buy Uggs). Protection and ice was the most important thing. Oh well, I'm gonna walk this weekend no matter how much it's gonna hurt.
(The big shaded line that's going over all of the toes has nothing to do with it.)

My beautiful feet.... noot

Feet is not my thing, just don't like them. haha But this is what they look like right now. The upper picture was what they looked like yesterday and the second picture is what they look like right now. The color is spreading. I have been walking more on my whole foot today so maybe that's why. Haven't really decided yet if I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. They're not gonna do anything anyway. Maybe give me som prescription for the pain. But I dont have that much of a pain. Only when I walk. So maybe it's a good idea for new york next weekend.
I have just been in Old Orchard in the applestore to fix the computer. The trackpad (or touchpad) stopped working. Luckily it was easily done. I feel back on track again! Wohoo. Meeting with LCC (Local Child Cordinator) at 6pm then movie time at the movie theatre. "The lucky one".

Can it get any worse!?

What's up next!? First the toe and now the computer. I will die if my computer will crash.

Smartass girl

Had a really good time with C yesterday when B were at playdate. I taught him this card game "stress" and he is totally upsessed with it now. We tought B how to play it today and that is kind of all we've done all night since I started working at 6pm. I just put the two monsters to bed and I'm waiting for my host parents to come home. It's actually pretty nice to work on sathurdays. Maybe because it's the only time I feel like I'm a part of the family. Like were siblings. But yeah they're still monsters. They are fighting all the time.

And by the way, I'm sitting right now with a big bag of ice on my foot. Can't walk normal any more! It's driving me insane, cuz New York is coming up in a week. Had some friends over yesterday night for some wine and just have a good start of the night. The plan was to catch the metra later for a night out. When it was time to go from the house I somehow accidently smacked my toe into the wall while running around for my stuff. I think you all know how much that hurts when you smack your foot into something. The pain is outrages for a minute or two and then it slowly goes away. I thought this pain would do too, but no, "off course no". I was on the floor for a minute, then ran to get my shoes and then we went off towards the metra station. I started to realize that something was wrong while still limping after 10 minutes but I didn’t wanna believe it. By the station I couldn’t take one more step. What was the idea of jumping on the train then!? I could barely move. I said to my friends to go and have fun and I started my trip home. What usually takes med about 10 minutes to walk took me maybe 40 minutes. The pain was still there. I couldn’t even have my shoes on so went home barefoot. I'm so glad we don’t have snow!! A swollen red and blue toe was what I have been limping around with since yesterday. A fracture? I believe so. Or a serious spraining. Read some about it and it sounds like I might have a crack in my pinky toe. I'm going to a doctor on monday so I'm hoping for good news. Ice, ice ,ice untill then. Smartass girl!

Happy B-day daddy!

I wanna hear that 50-year old men still can party cuz 50 is a big number to celebrate. Wanna celebrate your birthday with all of you guys, but I'll see you in a week. Can't wait! Love you dad!

I wanna kiss the sun & just get crazy

Goooosh I really want summer now. Have some really great weeks in front of me, New york and dad and Berit visiting me, but heeeeeey I just LOVE summer, cant stop thinking about it. Summer makes me wanna work out, summer makes me wanna run around everywhere, it makes me wanna do everything, it makes me wanna be awake 24/7, it makes me tanned, it makes me warm, it makes me happy, it makes me alive.
Have a long day infront of me tomorrow. The kids are off from school all day, sorry, I usually like kids, but I'm just not in the mood for them right now. I really need a great time with friends, some young adult time. I'm really in the mood for something fun and crazy. B had a playdate right after school (halfday), so she was home at 2,15 today. Went to get some frozen yoghurt for some time together. Then home for dinner and off for hockey practice. It's not gonna get more interesting than that. B just came into my room to give me some pictures we did today. She got inspired from my painting and made a new one for me. She can be so sweet sometimes and a monster sometimes. Kids, kids....

Take a moment and cheer up

Love you mom

Have been such a long time now since i saw you and 5 more month to go. Miss you so much!! Just sent her a package with some fun stuff from here. for ex. mac & cheese, Reese and Hersey's chocolate, Magazines, Beef jerkey, Wheat thins crackers, apple pie gum and bracelets.
Worked until 10pm today. Had a great night. Just had to take care of B. The homework were done quickly, played for 1-2 hours outside, made some dinner, watched a movie (Camp Rock), put her to bed and had to tell a story...had to come up with one just like that... no english. haha omg, think the story was ok though. I made her fall asleep anyway;) Bedtime for me too without a story. Gnight!

What do you know about Chicago?

Sears (Willis) Tower located in Down Town Chicago. It was the worlds tallest building for 25 years. It's now the tallest building in the USA. They says that it moves with the wind. When visiting the tower you can walk out in a box of glas and look all the way down to the street under you.
Sears (Willis) Tower ligger i Down Town Chicago. Det har varit den högsta byggnaden i världen under 25 år. I dag är byggnaden den högsta i USA. De säger att byggnaden rör sig med vinden. När du besöker Sears Tower kan du gå ut i en glasbox och se rakt ner till gatan under dig.
Merchandise Mart, a famous building located in Down Town Chicago by the river. It was the largest building in the world when it opened year 1930. The building was so large that it got its own zip code until 2008.
Merchandise Mart, är en känd byggnad som lokaliserar sig i Down Town Chicago vid kanalen genom staden. Det var världens största byggnad när den öppnades på 1930-talet. Byggnaden var så stor att den fick sitt eget postnummer.
The flag of Chicago.
The stars stands for four important historical happenings. 1. Fort dearborn. 2. Great Chicago Fire (1871). 3.World's Columbian Exposition (1893) 4.Century of Progress Exposition(1933-1934)
The white stripes stands for the north, west and the south sides of the city.
The blue stripes represents  1. The north branch of the river and Lake Michigan (east). 2. The south branch of the river and the great canal.
Chicagos flagga.
Stjärnorna står för fyra viktiga historiska händelser. 1. Fort Dearborn. 2. GreatChicago Fire (1871). 3.World 's Columbian Exposition (1893) 4.Century av framstegen Exposition (1933-1934)
De vita ränderna står för norr, väster och söder sidorna av staden.
De blå ränderna representerar 1. Den norra grenen av floden och Lake Michigan(öst). 2. Den södra grenen av floden och den stora kanalen.

April 17

Paid my taxes here in the US yesterday. Found out two days ago that yesterday was the last day. Usually it's always april 15 but that was on a sunday this year and this monday had a nother explanation. Lucky me! Here in the US you have to keep track of your own taxes, calculate how much you should pay and make sure you send it before april 15. I had to pay 21 dollar from last year. A lot of au pairs skip paying the taxes when it's a small sum like that, but I don't wanna get in trouble. So no risks taken.

My host parents anniversary was yesterday, so me and B painted a big sign for them and bought some flowers. Surprise!
Got to see my host kid C play baseball. That and fotball is the sports that's really american for me. Have to learn about the rules so I get the game next time:)
In the end of the day there was a birthday party! Happy B-day Sarah! Sarah is a german Au Pair that lives in my neighborhood. We got hamburgers, german pasta salad, cake (all chokolate, yummi) and kinder and milkway chocolate. The night was great!

I'm not dead, I'm just not alive

Have had a great weekend with loads of English. More English than I'm used to. As I might have said before there is kind of a "Swedish" neighborhood here nowadays. Feels like a new Swede is coming as an au pair every month. My closest friends are Swedish and I'm not with my host family that much. Can say that I'm talking a lot of swedish! Probably 50/50. I moved to USA for two specific reasons, first was for traveling and experiencing new culture and the second to become AMAZING at english. Am I amazing? NO. But I'm in progress;) I'm a terrible speller too so thats why I'm now gonna try to write more in english here on the blog. Then you will get a chance to practice your skills too... or.. I'm kind of forcing you!!;)
As I said I've been speaking a lot of English this weekend. Have been to a whole weekend class for my three last credits. When I'm done with the after assignments I'm done with all of my credits. YeEES! But kind of feel a little bit sad about it, couse I develope my english so much more when I'm in school as well. "Yes, of course, dummy"! *New goal! A year (or more) of studies abroad in Chicago, California, England or Australia. This weekendclass was about USAs history. Everything was just all of a sudden so much more interesting now than what it was reading about it in school in Sweden. Maybe because I have a big heart for Chicago now. I wanna know everything about it. Gonna tell you more about the weekendclass later. Have to do some homework now before I become one with my bed. Im exhausted!

Lollapalooza Line-up

Nu har det äntligen kommit upp på Bla Avicii, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The black keys, Dev, plus kanske 100 till:) Gryyymt!

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